Project Title

Example Project Description

Example Project Description

Example Project Description

This is a versatile and reliable product that is designed to meet the needs of its users. Whether you're looking for convenience, functionality, or simply a high-quality product, this is the perfect choice for you.

This is a versatile and reliable product that is designed to meet the needs of its users. Whether you're looking for convenience, functionality, or simply a high-quality product, this is the perfect choice for you.

This is a versatile and reliable product that is designed to meet the needs of its users. Whether you're looking for convenience, functionality, or simply a high-quality product, this is the perfect choice for you.


Client Name


Visual Design UI & UX Design


Client Industry


January 2023

This is a versatile and reliable product that is designed to meet the needs of its users. Whether you're looking for convenience, functionality, or simply a high-quality product, this is the perfect choice for you.

Full Dashboard
Full Dashboard
Full Dashboard
Extracted currency modules
Extracted currency modules
Extracted currency modules
Full Dashboard with Sidebar
Full Dashboard with Sidebar
Full Dashboard with Sidebar

The sleek and durable design of our laptop makes it the ideal choice for professionals on-the-go. With its powerful processor, ample storage space, and long battery life, you can stay productive no matter where your work takes you. Whether you're in the office or on the road, this laptop is the perfect solution for all of your computing needs.

The sleek and durable design of our laptop makes it the ideal choice for professionals on-the-go. With its powerful processor, ample storage space, and long battery life, you can stay productive no matter where your work takes you. Whether you're in the office or on the road, this laptop is the perfect solution for all of your computing needs.

The sleek and durable design of our laptop makes it the ideal choice for professionals on-the-go. With its powerful processor, ample storage space, and long battery life, you can stay productive no matter where your work takes you. Whether you're in the office or on the road, this laptop is the perfect solution for all of your computing needs.

© Yifei(Allen) Xue. Have a nice Thursday.

关于本站:几乎所有内容在 Framer 中设计(少数在 Figma)。项目编排设计在 Illustrator & Photoshop 中处理。该站点动效使用 Framer Motion 构建,部分动画使用 Lottie.js。文章使用 Notion 撰写后同步过来,并使用 CMS 排版。图片采用 WebP 格式,图片大小平均减少70%。

Images generated using MidJourney · WebSite made with ♥︎ by AllenXue 薛困惑 · Made in Framer

© Yifei(Allen) Xue. Have a nice Thursday.

关于本站:几乎所有内容在 Framer 中设计(少数在 Figma)。项目编排设计在 Illustrator & Photoshop 中处理。该站点动效使用 Framer Motion 构建,部分动画使用 Lottie.js。文章使用 Notion 撰写后同步过来,并使用 CMS 排版。图片采用 WebP 格式,图片大小平均减少70%。

Images generated using MidJourney · WebSite made with ♥︎ by AllenXue 薛困惑 · Made in Framer

© Yifei(Allen) Xue. Have a nice Thursday.

关于本站:几乎所有内容在 Framer 中设计(少数在 Figma)。项目编排设计在 Illustrator & Photoshop 中处理。该站点动效使用 Framer Motion 构建,部分动画使用 Lottie.js。文章使用 Notion 撰写后同步过来,并使用 CMS 排版。图片采用 WebP 格式,图片大小平均减少70%。

Images generated using MidJourney · WebSite made with ♥︎ by AllenXue 薛困惑 · Made in Framer